"Cyber-bullying is poised to turn into the biggest online concern, already affecting up to 35% of all children" - Dr Matyn Wild
"Cyberbullying is Bullying. Hiding behind a pretty screen, doesn’t make it less hateful, written words have power." - Anon
"People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that’s not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven’t forgotten." - Demi Lovato
"Cyberbullying is Bullying. Hiding behind a pretty screen, doesn’t make it less hateful, written words have power." - Anon
"People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that’s not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven’t forgotten." - Demi Lovato